Tuesday, May 21, 2013
2pm to 7pm
Cintas Center on Xavier University’s Campus
1624 Herald Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45207
Free Parking
The Excelsior Institute of Business and Finance is a charitable, non-profit educational organization dedicated to helping entrepreneurs, including small business owners, create and grow successful enterprises.
Excelsior is dedicated to:
- Promoting business education and training in the community
- Ethics education and training in the workplace
- Developing professional standards and certifications for business consultants
As a non government organization (NGO), Excelsior brings together private sector and government resources to help entrepreneurs. In that function Excelsior maintains a:
- Clearinghouse of service provider professionals poised to assist business developers
- Hub of invaluable information and resources
- An extremely comprehensive “boot camp” type class for start-up entrepreneurs
Additionally, Excelsior is in the process becoming an incubator / accelerator to facilitate the growth and funding of worthy projects and businesses.
Excelsior is currently seeking volunteers from all walks of life willing to assist entrepreneurs, help with projects, and share Excelsior’s vision with entrepreneurs and small business owners. The community benefits through job creation, increased tax base and the attraction of other entrepreneurs due to the ease of entry and growth of new business. If you would like to learn more about volunteering or about any of Excelsior’s programs please email Greg @ExcelsiorInstitute.org .
Visit Excelsior Institute’s website for more information: http://excelsiorinstitute.org/