Tuesday, May 21, 2013
2pm to 7pm
Cintas Center on Xavier University’s Campus
1624 Herald Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45207
Free Parking
Call now to be a sponsor: 513-474-4594
Expo guests and visitors attend for free!
- Public admission is free and there is free parking
- There will be free food
- Many prize giveaways
- Meet small business owners and entrepreneurs that you haven’t seen before. Shop approximately 100 booths of amazing products and services.
- Network with small businesses
- There will be stage presentations throughout the day with interesting topics
- There will be Business Building Seminars designed to help small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs learn many of the details you need to know to be successful (See the home page for a partial list of topics.)
We are launching our Expo social media channels. Join and share as we build our digital community of entrepreneurs and small business owners.
LinkedIn Join our group and start or join discussions.
@AmerDreamExpo Follow us on Twitter.
#DreamExpo Talk with us on Twitter.
YouTube Watch our videos.
Eventbrite Get a free Expo guest ticket and share this event opportunity with others.
Facebook Visit us on Facebook.